About Me
Frontend Development

Backend Development


Here you find several references of recent times. You have additional questions regarding the projects or want to be listed here, too? I am happy to hear from you.

Online-shop for car tuning
Magento consulting and development since 10/2015
“Outstanding collaboration, very professional shop development and high reliability - Mr. Sprankel did commendable work during our shop redevelopment. We are looking forward to further developments with Mr. Sprankel as an experienced Magento developer.”
Dr. Michael Krecek, CEO DTE-Systems GmbH

Online-shop for coffee
Magento consulting and development since 08/2015
“We are very satisfied with Simon. He structured our shop relaunch very well and executed it accurately. This lead to massive performance increases. The execution happens fast and very agile, which fits perfectly to us as a start-up. We can fully recommend Simon as a Magento developer.”
Dr. Boris Häfele, CEO Roast Market GmbH

Online-shop for bikes, e-bikes, clothing and supplies
Magento consulting and development since 07/2015
“We continuously extended the collaboration with Mr. Sprankel over the last years. Now he also implemented a Magento update and our redesign to our utmost satisfaction. He works reliably and comprehensible, adheres to deadlines and communicates commendable. We can recommend Mr. Sprankel as a Magento developer to every shop owner!”
Dr. Ulla Engler, Associate Das Radhaus Zweirad Vertriebs- und Service GmbH

Online-shop for silver goods
Magento consulting and development since 02/2015
“With Simon Sprankel, we found the perfect Magento developer for us. All wishes are implemented unbureaucratically and as quickly as possible. It is great fun to work with him!”
Lorenz Günther, Attorney Silber Studio Frankfurt

Online-shop for streetwear fashion from California
Magento consulting and development since 08/2014
“The collaboration with Simon was recommended by a friend. It was quickly clear that I finally found the perfect contact for the implementation of my online-shop. I was optimally advised right from the beginning. Absolutely exemplary and 100% professional!”
Julian Petzelt, Owner Califas - California Clothing & Accessories

Online-shop for badminton, table tennis and squash
Magento consulting and development since 03/2008
“Simon has built the site right from the beginning and gave us advice and support very reliably and competently since then. Without his work and commitment the shop would not be as successful as it is now.”
Wolfgang Bindemann, CEO racket-outlet.de
Everyone should do what they do best. This is why I personally consult and develop. I let my awesome partners design, photograph or text. Hence, you will not only hire me, but also get access to talented people from other professions. You want to become a partner or hire me? Contact me!

Simon Sprankel
Rückertstraße 49
D - 60314 Frankfurt am Main